The new year is fast approaching. This is the time of year when we start to make resolutions for the new year. What is you resolution? Is it to lose weight? Cut out sweets? Quit smoking?

Whatever it is, it is important to make a plan and so your best to stick with it. Remember, you are only human, so don't beat yourself up if you get off track. Simply forgive yourself and try again. Here are some simple tips to try to stick to your goals:

1. Write your goals for the new year down. Review them daily and remind yourself of why you are going to do it.

2. How are you going to reach these goals? Write out a game plan. If it is to lose weight, what steps will you take? Write out a menu and a gym schedule.

3. Each week track how well you are doing. If you quit smoking, track how many days it's been since you had a cigarette.

4.Reward yourself when you reach milestones. If the goal was to lose some weight, buy yourself a nice shirt or pants when you reach the halfway point.

These are some simple tips to keep you on your track to reach your goals. Good Luck in the new year. If starting a new exercise regime in the new year, it is important to keep your spine aligned and flexible. So make sure you schedule an adjustment at our Longmont, Colorado office.