One of the biggest factors in lower back pain, and hip pain is the Psoas muscle. It is a very important muscle, and dysfunction of it can lead to low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and even forward head posture. Dysfunction of this muscle can also lead to biomechanical issues like leg length discrepancies, pelvic tilt issues, and an increase in the lumbar lordosis.

The Psoas muscle is actually two muscles that come together and form one common insertion. This muscle originates from the lower thoracic spine all the way down to the last lumbar vertebrae. It connects not only to the vertebrae but also to the disc. It then descends to insert on the inner portion of the femur bone onto the lesser trochanter.

Its job is to help flex the hip and to stabilize and balance the trunk. Chronic shortening of this muscle can lead to some serious issues and pain. Prolonged sitting and stress are some of the main reasons this muscle gets tight and shortened. The tighter this muscle gets the more it will pull on the vertebrae and compress the disc. This can eventually lead to arthritis and tearing and bulging of the disc.

How can you correct this? Proper posture and stretching can help to get the Psoas muscle back to its normal length. If it has been shortened for some time, it can require some soft tissue work, cold laser therapy and Chiropractic adjustments to reset the muscle to its normal length and the spine and disc functioning properly.

If you, a friend or loved one want some more information on the Psoas muscle and some great stretches, please contact me via our website, our Facebook, page or give the office a call!